Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, especially when you get to share that experience. Lauren Maners is a woman who is always there to help animals in need. She helps out in shelters and fosters pets until they find their forever home. However, when Lauren got pregnant, she decided she would take a break. That was […]
A Year Filled with Surprises: Single Mother Welcomes Three Babies, Yet They Aren’t Triplets.
Photo credits: Stephanie Hansen TikTok star, Stephanie Hansen, 32, has revealed she welcomed three babies within 12 months and none of them are triplets. Stephanie Hansen welcomed her first daughter Daphne on January 28, 2020, before finding out very shortly after that she was pregnant on twins. Just ten months after giving birth the first […]
A Delightful Entrance: Sayles Greets Her Newborn Shortly After Graduating from Dillard University in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Durіng the ѕсheduled grаduаtіon сereмony, а woмаn who wаѕ аƄoᴜt to reсeіʋe her four-yeаr degree unexрeсtedly went іnto lаƄor аnd gаʋe Ƅіrth to а ѕon. Jаdа Sаyleѕ ѕucceѕѕfully eаrned а Ƅасhelor’ѕ degree іn сrіміnаl juѕtісe, ѕрeсializing іn рre-lаw. After the сoммenсeмent сereмony аt Dіllаrd Unіʋerѕіty іn New Orleаnѕ, Louіѕіаnа, Sаyleѕ welсoмed her ƄаƄy іnto the […]
Aspirations of Hope: A Boy with a Monkey-Like Face Wishes for a Future Surgery.
“I am afraid that when my child gets older, he will be aware of the difference in his face, making him feel self-deprecating and ashamed,” said the mother of the boy with a “monkey” face. On the day of knowing the good news, Hoang Thi Nhat and her husband (SN 1989) and Mr. Lo Van […]
The most adorable octopus on the planet.
Cutest Octopus in Town: Our Adorable Baby in an Octopus-themed Outfit Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement