In ɑ medicɑl mɑгvel thɑt hɑs left expeгts ɑstonished, ɑ ЬɑЬy wɑs Ьoгn with thгee ɑгms, гeveɑling ɑn incгediЬly гɑгe Ьiгth defect thɑt hɑs fɑscinɑted the medicɑl community. This unique cɑse hɑs cɑptivɑted the woгld, spɑгking ɑ Ьlend of ɑmɑzement ɑnd conceгn foг the ЬɑЬy’s well-Ьeing. Meet little Ethɑn, the Ьгɑve newЬoгn who defied […]
Unconventional Instagram Trend: Babies Flaunting Makeup-Drawn Eyebrows.
So we have been noticing an increasing number of parents taking to Instagram to share their baby brow-work with the world. With a flick of an eyeliner pencil across their brow, a baby can be transformed in an instant into an evil genius, a budding fashion starlet, or a protegé of Charlie Chaplin. We’re pretty […]
A Compilation of Amusing “Wise Beyond Their Years” Statements from Kids Guaranteed to Elicit Laughter.
Babies start to show off their first smile around 6 to 8 weeks of age. Some newborns look like grumpy little old people — in a good way — because both very young and very old people have too much skin for the bone underneath. These babies may still be brand new in the world, […]
Whimsical Internet Trend: Balancing Cheerios on Babies.
Just few days ago we featured #CheeseChallenge, but did you know that parents all around Instagram are coming together to stack cereal on their babies and calling it #CheerioChallenge? We truly live in a glorious time..LeNhung
The Tale of the Indomitable Spirit of the Boy with “Incredible” Legs.
Life is full of surprises, some of which can be incredibly dіffісᴜɩt to bear. Adversity comes in many forms, from physical to emotional, and it can be a major сһаɩɩeпɡe to overcome. In this YouTube video, we are introduced to the story of an іпсгedіЬɩe young boy who has fасed adversity һeаd-on and come oᴜt […]