Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists (AMVS) have confirmed the first two cases of CRGV – commonly known as Alabama Rot – of the ‘season’, with a three-year-old Hungarian Vizsla in Surrey (pictured above) and a two-year-old cocker spaniel in Farringdon, Hampshire, as the victims.
Cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy (CRGV), or Alabama Rot, is a disease whose causes remain unknown although it is usually associated with walks on wet, muddy terrains.
It can lead to fatal kidney failure within ten days from the first symptoms, which is why it’s vital to recognise them as soon as possible: it is relatively easy to treat at the beginning stages, while most dogs who suffer from kidney failure succumb despite treatment.
CRGV can affect any dog, whatever age or breed. However, according to AMVS, the breeds most affected have been Labradors, spaniels and Hungarian vizslas.
“The initial lesions include inflammation, reddening, sores, swelling, bruising and ulcers,” The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies explains. “These usually affect the feet and lower limbs, but can be seen around the face, in the mouth and elsewhere on the body. The lesions can be painful, and lameness or licking at the affected area may be the first sign.
“Cuts, wounds, stings or bites are much more common than CGRV but can look very similar. Owners should take their dogs to their vet if they are concerned, particularly if the skin lesions are unexplained.”

AMVS, who leads the UK’s research into the deadly disease, has now of cases across the country to reflect the sixth and seventh cases of 2023.
The UK has now seen 292 confirmed cases in total since the first cases where reported in the New Forest Area in 2012. The disease was first identified in the United States in the 1980s.