Horses have long represented freedom, courage, and power in our society. Despite being domesticated around 5,500 BC, horses remained independent creatures with their own free will and drive for adventure.
A horse spirit animal will be the source of your strength and determination that will carry you all the way to reaching your dreams. They will give you the energy and courage to push through the hardships of life and move forward toward your goals.
However, each horse is different and will offer you different opportunities and challenges. For example, the horse’s color and whether it is wild or tame will greatly affect its spiritual meaning.
In this guide, you’ll find answers to what your horse spirit animal represents and how they will help you achieve your true potential.
What Do Horse Spirit Animals Represent?
Horse spirit animals represent freedom, strength, passion, and directed energy. With a horse as your spirit animal, you’ll be able to break free of your limitations and become the best version of yourself.
However, horses can also have other spiritual meanings depending on the culture. For example, Native Americans regarded the horse as a symbol of wealth, power, and war.
In Christianity, horses can represent nobleness, generosity, courage, speed, resurrection, and even death.
Some cultures also associate horses with the divine world or view them as deities. In Japanese symbolism, for instance, horses are divine beings that carry Gods when they come into the world. Moreover, horses were the first deities in Celtic culture alongside being symbols of the Sun (source: The Fortunate One).
What Does Seeing a White Horse Symbolize?
Seeing a white horse symbolizes purity and freedom, as well as having the wisdom to make good choices. If your spirit animal is a white horse, you can trust them to carry you through life with dignity and grace.
Olga Gavrilova / Shutterstock.com
In many cultures, white horses symbolize freedom and grace, often represented as mythical horse creatures. They are wise in the world’s ways and will consider all possible outcomes before choosing the best course of action.
Whether your white horse is tame or wild, they are there to help you express the pure intentions of your soul.
If you find yourself at a crossroads and are unsure which path to take, your white horse will guide you onto the right track.
Black Horse Spirit Animal Meaning & Symbolism
A black horse as a spirit animal represents strength and passion that will carry you through the most difficult of times. In symbolism, they are also associated with mystery and hidden energies.
zamkniete w migawce / Shutterstock.com
If your horse spirit animal is black, you can count on them to be there when you need them the most. At the same time, black horses tend to be wilder than others. However, their wildness also makes them an invaluable asset to your spiritual journey.
Black horses don’t back down from a challenge. In fact, you can have trust and faith in their power to carry you to victory in any battle. Their strong nature will always be there to lean on when you’re fighting through a tough situation.
Brown Horse Spirit Animal Meaning & Symbolism
Above all, brown horses symbolize strength and control. They can also indicate that a major change is about to come into your life.
Whether you’re struggling to muster up the courage to start something new or you just need that extra push over the finish line, your brown horse spirit animal is here to help. They will keep your feet on the ground and give you the energy and determination you need to see things through.
Brown horses are passionate and determined, sometimes to the point of stubbornness. However, this is exactly the energy you need from your spirit animal to give you that extra push to reach your dreams.
Other Horse Spirit Animal Colours
Rita_Kochmarjova / Shutterstock.com
Your horse spirit animal can be a combination of colors. In this case, you can find out your horse’s spiritual meaning by combining the meanings of the colors above.
For example, the meaning of a piebald or grey horse would be a combination of the meanings for black and white horses. They will be both pure and wise and carry you through tough situations.
Naturally, if your horse has more of a certain color, that color’s characteristics will be dominant.
As a result, if you have a skewbald or appaloosa with more brown than white, you can expect them to give you determination above all. However, they will also help you make wise decisions when you reach a crossroads.
It’s also important to note chestnuts are fierier than a standard brown horse. They can ignite a fierce passion inside you and give you more energy than a brown horse would, but they are also more difficult to tame.
5 Meanings Horse Spirit Animals Represent
Besides coat color, there are other aspects that influence a horse’s spiritual meaning.
When you look at your spirit animal, take note of whether they are wild or tame. This will give you valuable insights into the meaning they hold for you.
1. Wild or Tame
Horse spirit animals can be wild and free, or docile and constricted. The meaning of your horse will largely depend on how they control their own energy.
If you have a tame horse that can contain its energy, it means you have a trusty steed that will carry you to your goals methodically. Whereas, if your horse spirit animal is wild and free, they are in your life to help you push your boundaries and explore life in a more energetic way.
To get the most out of your horse, however, you need a balance between these two types. While you should give your horse the freedom to explore and be free, you also want to build a trusting relationship between the two of you.
Once you have found a healthy balance between these two energies, your horse can hold the following meanings for you:
2. Igniting Passion
Horse spirit animals will ignite your passions. As a result, you might feel a renewed drive to succeed, a desire to express your emotions, or a sudden urge to move out of your comfort zone.
In any case, your spirit guide will help you express yourself in ways you never thought you could.
3. Freedom
Alexia Khruscheva / Shutterstock.com
With your newfound passion inside, you’ll notice your personal boundaries breaking down. Things you never thought possible will suddenly seem less daunting.
The more you work together with your horse spirit animal, the easier it will become to overcome obstacles in your mind and explore new territories.
4. Travel
As you become freer within yourself and broaden your horizons, you’ll find yourself traveling toward your goals at a faster pace.
While this can involve physical travel, it will most likely be a spiritual journey you will take with your horse spirit animal.
5. Strength
Last but not least, your horse spirit animal will give you strength. They will be a pillar to lean on in times of need.
When you feel like you can’t carry on, you can climb onto their back and ask them to carry you toward those goals that seem so far away.
Meanwhile, it is important to remember that your horse spirit animal represents a part of you. If they are acting irrationally wild, a part of you is yearning to be expressed.
If they are too docile and complacent, you’ve become too comfortable, and it’s time to push yourself out of that comfort zone.
Horse Totem Meaning
The horse as your totem animal represents freedom above all else. You are being urged to take the reins of life and move forward.
Whether that means leaving others behind or embracing daunting changes, you need to trust that your horse will carry you to bigger and better things.
As with other meanings, the horse’s color will determine your totem’s meaning. After doing some research, we have found the following associated with different coat colors:
Horse Totem ColorMeaningWhitePurity, knowledge, spiritual growthBlackDeath, closing chapters, rebirthBlack and WhitePolarity, being a crossroad, balanceBayControl, groundedness, changeGrayResolution, self-reflectionRoanBreaking free of limitationsGoldenSpirituality, light, inner strength How Do You Know if a Horse Is Your Spirit Animal?
Knowing whether a horse is your spirit animal is an intuitive process. You must search within yourself and look past all superficialities to reveal what your true spirit animal is. When the time is right, a horse or other animal will reveal itself to you.
There are various ways you can find out whether a horse is your spirit animal. Below, we describe an easy method you can try at home:
Close your eyes and go to your happy place – wherever that may be. A quiet field, a cave, a waterfall, a river… Pick a place you love and feel safe and comfortable at.
Imagine yourself sitting there and close your eyes in this imaginary setting. Call your spirit animal to you. You’ll hear them coming and feel their presence as they enter your happy place.
Keep your eyes closed until you’re certain they’re there. Then slowly open your eyes in your happy place while keeping your real eyes closed. The animal that you see in front of you is your spirit animal.
If you feel a horse is your spirit animal and love tattoos, see our best horse tattoo ideas list.
Seeing Horses in Your Dreams
It’s not unusual for horses to appear in dreams. While this doesn’t necessarily mean they’re your spirit animal, they still carry an important message.
The horse’s appearance and the way they present themselves in your dreams can have special meaning too.
When you see a horse in your dreams, make sure to take note of their color, how they act, how far away they are, and what you’re doing around them.
See our guide to Horse Dream Meaning & Symbolism to find out what seeing horses in your dreams could mean.